Monday, May 18, 2015


Be able to show three examples from the text to back up each of the following:

Coming of Age
Forgetting (or the evils of drugs and women) - with circe for a year because of drugs, the sirens lure people to their,
Be able to explain the following and why they are used:
Storytelling- use stories to retell what happend before the book started so we understand why some of this is happening the way it is
Back story of Troy

Other Epic elements:
Starts “in the middle of things”; Odysseus’ tragic flaw; sports

Be able to explain the following:
Birds (especially eagles); Hades; Odyssey’s Wound

GODS (know the following and what they do in the text)::
Athena; Poseidon; Hermes; Zeus; Helios
SEDUCTRESSES: (know the following and their purpose)
Helen; Calypso; Circe; Sirens

Be able to give a description of the following and their roles in the story (perhaps what the symbolize or represent – and connect to a theme)
Amphinomos- one of the suitors he sees the dove being carried by the eagle in its talons representing how odysseus is coming to kill them
Aias (Ajax) - he raped cassandra on the alter of athena, is in
Lotus Eaters
Teiresias - blind prophet in hades
Eurycleia - maid of odysseus, telemachos tells her first of his journey, she keeps the secret of odysseus's identity, remains loyal to him
Cassandra - raped by Ajax on the alter of athena
Tityo- gets liver eaten out by vultures everyday
Tantalus - can't eat of drink in hades
Sisyphus - rolls the rock up the hill in hell and then has to start all over when he gets close to the top. Hills forever

1) How does the Odyssey start “in the middle of things”?
starts in the middle of the book because odysseus has been gone for 20 years already and his son and wife are living with penelope's suitors, then it switches between tenses to tell the story of how they got to be where they are now and how the story moves forward into the present day in the story.

2) What is Odysseus’ tragic flaw and how is it shown?
His tragic flaw is his pride and how he likes to boast and do unnecessary things when he conquers the cyclops which enrages him because he can't take the taunting he tries to say that he

3) Explain the motif of Agammenon and Clytaimnestra. What theme does it reinforce?
This motif shows that the wife and and her lover kill her husband. His wife wasn't loyal at all but he remained loyal to her through the war. Odysseus's wife is loyal to him even after 20 years of him being gone. She doesn't act like the other women and cheat on her husband. Odysseus it pretty much loyal throughout the whole story to his wife but sleeps with circe on his way to get home with his wife

4) Who are seductresses in the Odyssey and what purpose do they serve?

the seductresses are helen, Circe, calypso, and the sirens. They serve the purpose of showing how evil women can be and are considered to be in this story,

5) Summarizes Books 1-4. What story do they tell?

6) Summarize Books 5-8. What story do they tell?

7) Summarize Books 20-24. What story do they tell?

8) Discuss the theme of Loyalty and give three detailed examples from the book.
In the book all the wives cheat on their husbands and the men aren't loyal but Odysseus is trying to get home and he remains relatively loyal to his wife only sleeping with Calypso because she makes him and with circe he does so to get home to his wife sooner. Penelope unlike other women stays loyal to her husband even with dozens of men throwing themselves at her and she waits 20 years for him to come home. So first example is penelope waiting for 20 years

9) Discuss the theme of Hospitality and give three detailed examples from the book.
In Greece Hospitality is very important and everyone there gives whatever they can and have to their guests to make their stay enjoyable. When Odysseus goes to the sea people place, how the suitors stay at Odysseus's house for a long time, and then when the herdsmen help him and let him stay there even though he doesn't have much.

10) Discuss the back-story of Troy, where it appears and what it represents.

it appears in book three, it is there to represent and show everything that happened before and how it leads up to everything that is in place now, basically helen is "kidnapped" by trojan prince, menolaos's wife of sparta. and the two countries fight over her. odysseus fought in it, the backstory tells us why he has been gone so long

11) Discuss the symbol of Hades. What does it represent? Who is there? What do they say or do there?

Hades is there to show how all of the evil people ended up in this world, achilles is there, so it
ties up lose ends, unhospitable people there like the suitors and disloyal people are there, the glory of people and the unglorifying death of the suitors in their slaughter

12) Discuss the symbol of birds. What does it represent? Give three examples from the book?

birds symbolize omens, penelope sees eagle killing her geese showing that her husband is coming to get the suitors, Amphinomos sees eagle carrying dove in its talon showing odysseus is coming to kill them, athena takes the form of a bird to show her sly side

The following questions are worth 2 point each.
Give a description of the following characters and their roles in the story.

13) Achilles- his mother dipped in water to make him not be able to be killed, but his achilles could kill him because it was the part that didn't get dipped, he wishes he could have eternity as a poor farmer with a long life instead of a short life but he was remembered.

14) Antinoos- the most evil one of the suitors, wants to kill Telemachos and become king, he's the antagonist

15) Emurymachos - the less evil of the suitors, the one who doesn't want to kill Telemachos, killed by Odysseus

16) Nausicaa- daughter of Ancinoos king of the Phaicians, finds odysseus washed up and gets him clothes because athena tells her to

17) Scylla- 6 headed creature living in the cave or something.

18) Charybdis- shes the ocean monster who eats stuff like every hour or something, whirlpools

19) Aiolos - that wind god who gives Odysseus that bag of winds to help him get home

20) Laertes- Odysseus's old frail father, he's depressed a lot because he misses his son

21) Orestes- son of agemenom and kills his mother and her lover to avenge his father's death, showing loyalty

22) Nestor - king of Pylos and former soldier of the war

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

21 to 24 Summary

Penelope gets Odysseus's bow down and ready for the competition. She remembers the story of how he got it from Iphitos as payment for a debt and the two had become good friends. Now Penelope tells the suitors about the contest and all the rules that it has. Eumaios and Philoitios have to get the weapons ready and start to cry because she has given up hope that Odysseus will return. Telemachos lines up first to shoot the arrow because he wants to prove his strength and manliness. He has to try four times before it looks like he will succeed, but the beggar tells him not to do it. So then the first suitor is up to try but he fails. So does the second suitor. Antinoos wants to cheat and and limber up the bow so it's easier. Odysseus reveals his identity to Eumaios and Philoitios and proves it with his scar. Antinoos tries to wait to have his turn, by suggesting they all go in to eat now. The beggar says that he wants to string the bow and all the suitors don't want that because they're worried he will do better than them. Penelope lets the suitor have a try at the bow. Then Telemachos says this isn't a woman's job and tells her to go upstairs and stay in her room. But Penelope obeys because she's proud of his newfound bravery. He also instructs the old maid Eurikleia to lock all the women in their rooms and not to come out. Odysseus successfully strings the bow through all the axe things and the suitors stop making fun of him. Zeus sends a thunderclap and Telemachos stands next to the now revealed Odysseus.

Odysseus shoots Antinoos first, by sending an arrow through his throat while he drinks wine. The suitors runs when they realize they have no weapons. Eurymachos begs for mercy on everyone since Odysseus has killed the worst one. Odysseus is all like "Nah, man." So Eurymachos starts rallying up the suitors to fight Odysseus and so he kills him too. Odysseus and Eumaios and Philoitios and Telemachos fight the men, who now have weapons. Athena arrives disguised as Mentor to help. Athena tells Odysseus to use his great skills from Troy because justice is coming. Athena is protecting Telemachos and Odysseus and when the suitors realize they have godly help they back off. Odysseus has killed off all the suitors because he is ruthless. The disloyal maids are forced to drag out the dead corpses and clean the room. Telemachos then hangs them at his father's order. Odysseus is going to purify the great hall with herbs and spices.

Eurikleia tells Penelope that Odysseus is alive and has returned, but she doesn't believe it. Even when the maid tells her that the suitors are dead, Penelope thinks some unknown hero came to save her. Penelope sees him but isn't instantly convinced and sees if this man knows her and her husband's secret. Odysseus orders everyone in the house to keep his murders a secret from all of Ithaka. He plans to throw a feast so people think the noise was just Penelope's wedding. At dinner that night Penelope says he can sleep outside her room on the bed Odysseus made. Odysseus gets mad because he built the bed around an olive tree and carved it into the roots, so it couldn't be moved. Penelope rushes to him and begs for forgiveness, this is the secret she mentioned earlier in the evening. They "catch up" and tell stories about the last 20 years of their lives, but Odysseus leaves out the stuff about Circe and his time with Kalypso. Athena slows time so they have time together and get enough sleep. In the morning Odysseus decides to go see his father Laertes, and goes with Telemachos and the herdsmen under Athena's protection mist.

In the Underworld Hermes leads the suitors. When asked why they are there, they blame everything that happened on Penelope. Everyone thinks it's great Odysseus has someone as faithful as her. Odysseus sees his old father plowing his land very depressed like, Odyesseus decides to test his loyalty. He insults his appearance and makes up a story about housing Odysseus once. Laertes is grateful the man helped his son, but doesn't believe he is back. Then Odysseus reveals himself and hugs his father but has to prove who is by showing his scar. Telemachos and the herdesmen have prepared a meal back at the house and Athena makes Laertes look stronger. People in town heard about Odysseus's slaughter and Antinoos's father wants revenge and gets it approved by the council. Athena thinks her father has something to do with all the blood shed, but he said it's up to them to make peace and be civil. The people are all ready to kill Odysseus but his friends are ready to defend him and his father kills Antinoos's father. Athena tells them to stop, leaving her thirst for blood behind for peace. Odysseus stops fighting because Athena tells him zeus will be mad. The fight stops and Ithaka is back at peace.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

17 - 20 Summary

Telemachos wants to go see his mother and she is excited that her son is alive and is eager to hear news of her husband, but he won't tell her anything yet. He just tells her to get fresh and get on clean linens. Telemachos goes to talk to his father's loyal friends about their plans. All of the men eat while Penelope weaves and asks for information of Odysseus. Telemachos talks about visiting Menelaos the day before, then Theoklymenos tells of his prophecy that Odysseus has returned to Ithaka for revenge, but Penelope doesn't believe it. Odysseus and another beggar get into a fight over food. The other beggar taunts him to try and anger him. Odysseus sees an old dog that he trained but never got to take hunting with him before he left for Troy. The dog is glad to see him and dies shortly after seeing his companion after 20 years. Odysseus cries and learns the dog was strong and courageous in his younger days. At the eating place Telemachos is very generous to this "stranger" and tells him to help himself. Odysseus begs from every man, learning who is good and who is bad. Antinoos is all insulting and rude and Telemachos informs him he must share with the Beggar, but he says he will throw a foot stool at him. Odysseus goes around to everyone, then comes back to him. He insults him and he gets a stool thrown at him. Penelope wants to meet with this beggar, but he says he will see her later.
An actual beggar sees Odysseus and tells him they can't both be beggars in this town. The two men insult each other and Antinoos encourages a fight, promising a prize of fat blood or something to the winner. The two men fight, but the real beggar doesn't really want to. Antinoos said he will be beaten and castrated if the new beggar beats him. Odysseus only punches him once, breaking his jaw. The beggar tells Amphinomos he should go home before Odysseus comes home and kills the suitors (this guy isn't too bad) unfortunately Athena wants them all to die. Athena convinces Penelope to show herself to the suitors so they can all see how beautiful she is because Athena showers her in ambrosia. She ends up flirting with the suitors and says they haven't courted her correctly and she wants gifts. None of the suitors offer any up and go searching for suitable gifts for a Queen. Odysseus tests the loyalty of the maids and keeps the torches lit for the drunk suitors, sending the maids to care for his wife. A suitor throws a footstool at him after he infuriates him.
Telemachos, ordered by his beggar father, removes all suitors' weapons from the great hall as planned and tells the maid Euriklea to shut the women in their rooms. Penelope is waiting in her room for the beggar. She tells him that she is going to just marry a suitor to let her son live in peace now. Odysseus makes up a story about fighting at Troy and how he hosted Odysseus, which excites Penelope hearing about him. She offers him a place to stay for the night and says he can have a bath, but he refuses unless he gets a maid who is old like him. The maid from his childhood sees a resemblance between the beggar and Odysseus and then recognizes him from a scar on his thigh and she has to be sworn to silence. Odysseus interprets a dream Penelope had to mean that the suitor are facing certain death. SHe doesn't believe this and says there will be a competition shooting her husband's bow and arrow and who does the best will be her new husband.
That night Odysseus can't sleep, probably some pre-slaughter jitters. Some of the maids sneak out to go sleep with the suitors and Odysseus is mad at their betrayal but stays silent. Athena gives him a speech to amp him up for the murders tomorrow. Penelope cries and prays for death and has a dream of her husband returning. Melenthios comes back to taunt the beggar again. The maids are preparing a feast. The beggar asks some nice men if they would fight on Odysseus's side if he were to return. At breakfast Telemachos very openly shares his food with the beggar but Antinoos still doesn't like it. The holiday for the feast is a day of sacrifice to apollo. The Suitors start taunting the beggar because Athena makes them. Athena wants the fight to happen now so she has the enemies keep enraging the men.

Themes: Coming of age (telemachos working with his father to kill the suitors, Loyalty (Penelope stays loyal to her husband even though he was gone for 20 years)

Monday, May 11, 2015

13 - 16 the Odyssey

Odysseus tells his story and Alcinoos say that the Phaicians will give him gifts of wealth for his trip home to Ithaka. Odysseus is really anxious to get home and sleeps on the way home. While he is sleeping the men unload him in Ithaka with his treasures and leave him there. Poseidon is totally miffed about Odysseus not suffering enough. He turns the ship into to stone that brought Odysseus home and puts mountains all around the Phaicicians city to punish them for helping his enemy. Athena hide Odysseus in a cloud mist and disguises him as a beggar. Because of the cloud mist he doesn't recognize his homeland and thinks the sea people tricked him. Athena tells him it is Ithaka and that she disguised him as a beggar so no one knows he's back. Now he goes off to bring Telemachos home.
Odysseus goes to the Swineherd's home in the forest, where he is taken in and given what little the man has. He tells Odysseus stories about Odysseus and the suitors at his house trying to woo his wife, not aware that Odysseus is alive. Odysseus tells the man that Odysseus will return. Odysseus lies and says he's a common man from Crete. Odysseus wants a cloak so he tells a story that implies that and the man gives him one.
Athena goes to Telemachos, convincing him to leave because Eurymachos is gonna marry his mother, which is not true. She says he should go the Swineherd because it the men will kill him the moment he is back. So then in the morning Telemachos is ready to leave with his men. Helen gives Telemachos a gown for his future bride. Zeus sends an Eagle flying over head with a dead goose in its talons. Helen says it must be a sign that Odysseus returned home and is going to get rid of the suitors. Odysseus is staying with Eumaios until Telemachos returns. he learns his father is alive, but wants to be dead because he grieves his son so much. Odysseus is disguised as Theoklymenos on his son's ship and asks about a place to stay. Telemachos said he would offer his house but it's over taken by the suitors.
At the Swineherd's place Euimos and the beggar are talking. Telemachos shows up and is worried about not being able to take the suitors. So the beggar tells him to ask for friends' help in taking the suitors down. Eumaios is sent to secretly tell Penelope that he is back. Athena and Odysseus talk and she tells him to reveal himself, so she removes his disguise. Telemachos is all "wowed" and his father yells at him for not having a manly reaction. Then they come up with a plan to take down the suitors: Athena disguises him as a beggar, Odysseus distracts everyone while his son locks up the suitors' weapons, question the maids to figure out who is loyal. They send a messenger to tell Penelope her son is back. The suitors return all sad because they didn't get Telemachos. The town crier tells penelope about their plans and she's all mad and accuses them of trying to kill her son. They all deny it. A messenger tells the men he saw a strange ship coming back but the men just sleep.

Themes: coming of age (finding his father and being reunited, growing into a man),
hospitality continues

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

9-12 Summary

Odysseus starts telling the story of what happened all those years ago on his way home from the war before he was taken by Kalypso. He and his men killed all the Kikonians and enslaved the women. They get to Lotus Island and some people eat the Lotus and stay there forever, so Odysseus takes his remaining men and leaves. Then they are on the cyclops island and saw this cave that they wanted to steal from but Odysseus said No. The men are trapped in the cave by a giant boulder that only the cyclops can move. The monster eats Odysseus's men and asks where his ship is, but Odysseus is smart and lies about it. They poke its out eye out after they get it drunk. To escape the men are all tied to its rams so they get out in the morning when it herds sheep. Odysseus taunts the cyclops when they get away which is bad and its father is Poseidon which is not good. Next they are on the Aiolia island where they tell Aiolos wind god, about the trojan war. The God gives them a bag of storm winds when they leave so the remaining winds can blow them home to Ithaka. His men open the bag which releases the winds and blow the ship back. Odysseus is so upset he wants to kill himself but he sails back and asks for my storm wind bags. Odysseus is cursed by the gods. They sail to the island that Circe is on and they stay there for a year, she promises not use magic against Odysseus if he sleeps with her. So he does. Circe tells him he cant get back to Ithaka until he visits the underworld to see the prophet Teiresias. Odysseus's man Elpenor falls off the roof and dies. Odysseus goes to the underworld and uses the ram head as a sacrifice and the ghosts drink up blood to talk to him. There Teiresias tells him that he is being punished for poking out Poseidon's son's eye. Odysseus sees his mother, whom he believed to be alive. She informs him of what is happening in Ithaka. More ghosts start showing up which scares him so they all leave. Everyone goes back to Circe's and gives Elpenor a proper burial, then Circe tells Odysseus how he can prepare for the other parts of his journey. A month long storm sets them back and they survive off provisions they have left, until the men die. Zeus sends a thunderbolt to the ship and everyone but Odysseus dies. He drifts on the ocean before Kalypso rescues him and keeps him prisoner for 7 years.

Characters: Circe, Elpenor, Teiresias, Kalypso, Aiolos

Theme: hospitality - odysseus wants to play into this when dealing with the cyclops

Monday, May 4, 2015

Rapine and Scion Sentences

When the loan shark didn't get his money he decided to rapine the man's house and then burn it to the ground right before his eyes.

While researching her ancestry, Mia learned that her great great great grandmother was a scion of Queen Elizabeth I.

Friday, May 1, 2015

Glutton and Harangue

The gluttons all gathered around the bar drinking until their livers couldn't absorb any more and they couldn't stand straight anymore, before stumbling home to their wives.

After he had partaken in the riots outside of a church, James's mother gave him a lengthy harangue about respecting God.

5 - 8 Odyssey Summary Stuff

Athena convinces Zeus to help Odysseus get home. He sends Hermes with a message to Kalypso saying that she will let him go and help him build a raft with food until he washes up on the island of Scheria where the Phaiacians will transport him home. Kalypso is upset by the news because no one says anything about the male gods when they do stuff like this, but the second a women does they get all up in a tizzy. Poseidon finds out and sends a storm Odysseus's way which almost drowns him and sinks his raft. So he floats for two days before washing up on land. Athena convinces Princess Nausikaa to go to the streams to wash her linens so she can maybe find a husband. Odysseus is there and they talk and he gets some clothes. He needs her help so she tells him how to get to the palace and to convince the mother to the like him. The people there are sea people (hint hint, foreshadow to the fact that Poseidon is their god, and they helped his enemy, big no no!). Odysseus is disguised in a cloud mist by Athena so he doesn't draw attention to himself. Athena comes to him in the form of a little girl who he asks to help him find the palace and she leads him there. His mist protection eventually disappeared and then he makes his plea to Queen Arete. It works because the king rushes to his hospitality and the next day there will be a feast in his honor. The king Alcinoos offers up his daughter's hand to Odysseus, but he declines because he just wants to go home. Athena disguised as the town crier tells everyone about the stranger and the feast that will take place. The king has a ship prepared to take him home later in the day. Odysseus listens to stories about himself and sees many sports done by people in the kingdom. Theres singing songs that make him cry because they are about his life. After his bath he says he has a story to tell.

Theme: Loyalty, hospitality,

Foreshadow: poseidon is the god of these sea people who help his enemy

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Libation and Precedence

At the ceremonial dinner, all the attendants poured their wine in libation and drank to the God Poseidon.

During the graduation ceremony, according the the precedence of things the 8th grade class walked out first.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Prudence and Baleful sentences

"I need you to treat this matter with great prudence. The killer can't know that we are onto him," the detective told his fellow colleagues on the case.

The baleful man with the scar over his eye haunted the little girl's dreams ever since she had been rescued by the detectives.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Last Vocab

Quality of being cautious 

menacing influences

pouring wine or other liquid in honor of a deity

importance of priority

one who eats and drinks excessively 

scolding or long intense verbal attack


a descendant 

stealthily treacherous or deceitful

criticize severely

yield to disease

promising success

clear perception


Sunday, April 26, 2015

1-4 Odyssey

What was BOOKS 1-4 about. Briefly write a summary of BOOKS 1-4, create a list of characters, a literary element in these books, and the major theme this section reinforces.

Summary: It's been 20 years since the Trojan war and Odysseus still hasn't returned home. The Gods are all having a feast telling stories. Athena wants her father to have mercy on her favorite mortal, Odysseus and help him get home after all this time; he's being held captive on an island by Kalypso. Athena decides to help Odysseus's son Telemachos find his father, so she goes to him disguised as Mentes. She sees all the suitors living at the house trying to get his mother. That night she sends him a vision of his father. The next day Telemachos calls for a town meeting to complain about the suitors. Antinoös one of the suitors says that it's Penelope who is delaying marrying a suitor and it's why they're still there. After the meeting, Telemachos prepares for a journey to find his father. He takes a group of trusted men and Athena disguised as Mentor (Odysseus's old friend) goes with him. Telemachos arrives in Pylos and is invited to a feast, everyone there is making sacrifices to Poseidon. Telemachos is nervous about making a speech to the noble Nestor, but Athena tells him the gods favor him, and takes over during his speech. He learns stories about his father. NEstor tells him not to be gone long because the suitor are all still at his house. Telemachos is now going to Sparta. When he gets there Menelaos is very welcoming and shares that he misses Odysseus more than anyone. Helen of Sparta drugs all the men to make them forget their sorrows, She tells funny stories about Odysseus. It is later learned Odysseus is Kalypso's prisoner and wants to get home. Telemachos goes back to Pylos. In Ithaka the suitors are upset because they didn't know about the journey, and set sail to ambush him. Penelope learns that her son has Athena on his side. 

Characters: Athena, Zeus, Poseidon, Mentor, Telemachos, Odysseus, Penelope, Menelaos, Nestor, Antinoos, Helen, Kalypso, Eurykleia, Hermes, Peisistratos

Major Theme: Hospitality and Loyalty

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Odyssey Book 1&2

Book 1
It's after the Trojan War and Penelope's husband Odysseus hasn't returned. it's been 20 years. Poseidon is making his journey home difficult because of a grudge he has against him for poking out the eye of his son. All the gods are chilling having dinner together, except for Poseidon, he's probably getting his revenge. Zeus's daughter Athene asks her father to spare her favorite mortal Odysseus and have mercy. Zeus thinks Poseidon needs to grow up about it eventually because all the other gods like Odysseus so much. Meanwhile Odysseus is being held captive on an island with the witch name Kalypso because she loves him and wants to marry him or something. Athene goes to Odysseus's son disguised as Mentes where she sees many suitors laying around lazily, wasting away the family's food. The suitors aren't hospitable at all, which is a big No No in Greek culture. The son Telemachos implies that things would be different if his father were around to get rid of the suitors trying to get with his mother. Athene tells him not to give up finding his father, she fills him with a vision of his father and leaves. He tells the suitors they need to leave at dawn, one of the men protests saying that Ithaka needs a king. Telemachos goes to bed thinking about what Athene told him. 

Book 2 
Telemachos calls for a meeting with the suitors and all Ithakan men. Everyone wants to know why theres a meeting because it's been a long time and Telemachos complains about the suitors eating all his food, drinking his wine and trying to get with his mother. Antinoös argues this and says that Penelope delayed marrying one of the suitors even though it is her duty as queen to give her people a king. She said she wouldn't marry until she finished weaving a funeral shroud for Odysseus's father who isn't even dead. A maid blabbed that she wove all day and then unravels it at night. After his story he tells Telemachos to either get rid of Penelope or make her choose a suitor. Telemachos refuses and then Zeus sends down two eagles to attack the city people. He is done arguing with people about whether or not his father is dead and decides to sail to Pylos for news of his father. Mentor, a friend of Odysseus's speaks up and says it's a shame that such a large community hasn't spoken against the suitors.That night Telemachos prays to whichever God visited him. Athene hears his prayer and comes to him as Mentor and tells him that she will help find a boat and to get supplies ready for the journey. He leaves immediately with a group of trusted men and Athene as Mentor goes with him.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Study Questions—ACT 5

Scene 1

1) What do the nurse (gentlewoman) and the doctor see?

They see Lady Macbeth sleepwalking, talking about the choices her husband has made.

2) What does Lady Macbeth mean when she says, “Out, damned spot! Out, I say!...will these hands never be clean.”

She sees blood on her hands from killing Duncan and feels that her hands will never be clean from the sins she has committed.

3) What is wrong with Lady Macbeth at this point of the play?
Lady Macbeth has started to go crazy just like her husband because she feels so guilty about what they did.

Scene 2

1) What happens in this scene? What new characters are introduced? Why?

In this scene the soldiers are on their way to kill Macbeth and let Malcolm reign as king. Menteith, Caithness and Angus are soldiers introduced because they give us prospective of the soldiers.

2) What is the significance of the scene?

This scene tells what the soldiers are doing and who is leading them, as well as what everyone thinks of Macbeth.

3) What is meant when Caithness says, “Some say he’d mad; others that lesser hate him do call it valiant fury”? Some are saying Macbeth is crazy, but people who dont hate him as much call it brave anger.

Scene 3

1) How would you describe Macbeth’s attitude and mood in this scene?

He is trying to keep his cool, but calls for an army anyway and asks Seyton to get his armor because he is ready to fight.

2) Why isn’t Macbeth afraid? Do his soldier’s seem afraid? Why or why not?

Macbeth isn't afraid because the witches told him he could only be killed by someone not born from a mother or if they trees get up. So he's not worried because trees can't walk and everyone is born from a mother.

Scene 4

1) What does Malcolm order the soldiers to do?
He orders them to disguise themselves as trees, so that Macbeth thinks less men are coming.

Scene 5

1) What is meant when Macbeth says, “She should have died here-after”?

He is saying that she should have died after the battle was over so he would be able to mourn her.

2) What is the significant of the following quote, “Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player, that struts and frets his hour upon the stage and then is told no more. It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury signifying nothing.”
It's saying that life is an illusion and we all just go by the days slowly until we die and it means nothing.

Scene 6

1) What is important about this scene?
Malcolm gives the order for the soldiers to start the fight.

Scene 7

1) Who does Macbeth kill in this scene? What is significant about this death?
Macbeth kills the Siward's son. He was born of a woman so Macbeth thinks that what the witches said was true and he is free from harm.

Scene 8

1) What happens in this scene?

Macduff comes into the castle and kills Macbeth.

2) Why does Macbeth lose heart in the fight against Macduff?

Macduff wasn't born of a woman, he was delivered by C-section, so he can harm Macbeth.

3) Who is named king at the end of the play?


Wednesday, February 18, 2015

ACT 4 Questions


1) What are the four visions that Macbeth sees?

Four visions Macbeth sees are of a floating head, a bloody child, a crowned child with a tree, and eight kings.

2) Which visions does he misread or misunderstand and why?
He misreads the vision from the 3rd apparition because he believes that his time as ruler will come to an end when the forest moves in battle. To him this is good because the trees cannot move, so he will probably be king for the rest of his life.

3) What news does Lennox bring Macbeth?

Lennox informs Macbeth that Macduff fled to England.

4) What does Macbeth decide from Lennox’s news?
Macbeth decides that he will kill Macduff's family and anyone in the castle.

5) How might this scene be a possible climax for the play?
This could be the climax because earlier in the play the witches predicted Macbeth's future and he has just become greedier and greedier and will do anything to obtain greater power than he already has.


1) Why does Shakespeare include a scene with Lady Macduff and her son?
The scene is there to show us what happens to the lady and her son, but it also gives a look into their lives and how they feel about Macduff now.

2) What is important about this scene?
In this scene Lady Macduff tells her son that his father is a traitor because he left them, but he actually did it out of loyalty to the country. And then the son is murdered in a bloodbath.

3) List one motif or symbol from this scene?
A symbol from this is Lady Macduff comparing them to a bird, saying that she is now defenseless since Macduff is gone and she has to defend the eggs (the son).


1) Why has Macduff come to England?
To try to bring Malcolm back to stop Macbeth 

2) What is Malcolm’s fear in lines 10-19?
He's not sure he trusts Macduff, worried about a trap 
and he says that who is the King after Macbeth will be even worse, he's going to have all the bad traits that wouldnt make a good king

3) Who does the lamb represent in these lines?
The Lamb is representing Macduff. 

4) What is significant in the lines “Angles are bright still, though the brightest fell./Though all things foul would wear the brows of grace,/ yet grace must still look so.”
Macbeth is being compared to Satan.

5) What is significant in the line, “Bleed, bleed, pour country!”
It represents how people view Scotland under Macbeth's rule and they think that the country is suffering under his tyrannical rule. 

6) What does Malcolm call Macbeth? What list of adjectives does he use?
Malcolm says that he is worse than satan and calls him luxurious, avaricious, false, deceitful, 

7) How has Malcolm changed since Act II?
Malcolm says that he isn't worthy of being king, but he used to be a noble soldier who was fit to be king when his father died. Now he's just a scared little boy. 

8) What is the atmosphere of this scene? Why is this important?
At first it starts out hopeful because Macduff has a plan to stop Macbeth. The plan was to make Malcolm the king, but now since he said he doesn't want to be king because he fears being worse than the current one, they have no other plan. 
9) What news does the doctor bring? How is this symbolic to the scene, especially to Malcolm?
The doctor says that Macbeth is able to heal people because he is "god chosen" (idea of divine right) Symbolizes the right king needs to be in place, and Malcolm is worried about becoming king, and this guy is saying that Macbeth is doing alright.

10) How many men did England lend Macduff?
10,000 men

11) What does Macduff mean when he says, “But I must also feel it as a man.”
Macduff has to carry on and do what's right even though he feels bad about what happened to his family, he needs to be loyal to his country in this time of distress. 

Monday, February 2, 2015

ACT I Scenes 5-7 and ACT II sentence headlines

5. Lady Macbeth learns of what the witches told her husband and thinks up a plan to kill Duncan and asks spirits to "unsex" her so she can do so.

6. The King and his sons arrive at the Macbeth's castle where they are met by the lovely hostess Lady Macbeth.

7. Macbeth is second guessing whether or not he can go through with the crime, but his wife sets him straight and tells him to be a man.

1. Banquo and his son Fleance are at Macbeth's, he and Macbeth discuss the three witches and he hallucinates seeing a bloody dagger.

2. Lady Macbeth has drugged the King's guards and Macbeth is very disturbed after killing the King which keeps him from focusing on framing the guards.

3. The King's body has been discovered, Macbeth says he killed the guards because he was so mad at what they did and Lady Macbeth pretends to faint at the news; the king's sons flee to avoid potential danger.

4. Macduff has suspicions over what occurred at the Macbeth's castle and will not go to his coronation.

Avarice and Avaunt

The kings undying avarice eventually lead to his death because he took more than he could payback.

"Please avaunt, your presence is tiring," the mother said to her rambunctious, teenage daughter.

Friday, January 30, 2015

Parricide and Verity Sentences

After the verity of the criminal's statements were proven false, he was sent to prison.

The King's son committed a parricide after his father threatened to make someone else heir to the throne.

ACT II Questions

Scene i
1) Who says the following: “Their candles are all out. Take thee that too. A heavy summons lies like lead upon me, and yet I would not sleep. Merciful powers, restrain in me the cursed thoughts that nature gives away in repose.” What is significant about the quote? How has the atmosphere of the castle been changed?
Banquo says this and he is discussing the dream that he had about the witches it was a nightmare. The castle is now a very dark and gloomy place. It's not the welcoming place that housed the king.

2) Why does Banquo mention his dream of the Weird Sisters? Hint: Ironically this is his last dream.

Banquo mentions this dream because the three witches said that Macbeth would be King. Now the King is in his castle, providing the perfect chance for killing him. 

3) What does Macbeth say he and Banquo will talk about later in private?

He says that later they will talk about the dream he had.

4) Reread lines 42-70. Briefly summarize what Macbeth is saying in this soliloquy.

Macbeth hallucinates seeing a dagger that is all bloodied and he realizes it's kinda showing the murder he is about to commit. He feels guilty but has to do it before he loses his courage.

5) How does the illusion of the dagger play into the mindset of either witchcraft or Macbeth losing it.
It shows that he is having these unreal thoughts, like the witches have planted this idea and it's all he can think about. could be a spell

Scene ii
1) What does Lady Macbeth mean when she says, “That which hath made them drunk hath made me bold”?

Lady Macbeth is also drunk from the same drink she gave guards and it is making her braver. 

2) Symbolically what does the fatal bellman toll? More than one thing here. And who is the fatal bellmen—the one Lady Macbeth hears?
It's a bad omen, for ringing bells outside of prisoners' cells. The owl is what she hears, now that they are criminals. Macbeth is now the Owl.

3) How do you read the lines, “Had he not resembled my father as he slept, I had done ‘t.” What does this say about Lady Macbeth?

That perhaps she isn't that cold because she wouldn't be able to kill her own family or she's so cold that she would have someone else do it for her.

4) Sleep is an important symbol in this play. Please keep a list of all the times (with line numbers) that sleep is mentioned in Act II. Attach and turn this list in with these questions.

5) What is meant when Macbeth says, “Sleep no more! Macbeth does murder sleep”?

By killing Duncan at night, macbeth is killing his sleep. And soon macbeth won't be able to sleep because he will feel so guilty so he's murdering his own sleep. 

6) Why is Lady Macbeth upset with Macbeth towards the end of scene ii?

Because Macbeth got all nervous and was going to wash the bloody dagger instead if leaving it with the guards like she had planned.

7) What is symbolic about the knocking that Macbeth and Lady Macbeth hear?

It's like God knocking on the door, like when someone dies they say God was knocking

8) What does Lady Macbeth say about washing of hands at the end of the scene? Do you believe her?
Lady Macbeth says that by washing the blood off her hands then she is cleansing herself of the sin she has committed. But this isn't right because not just water can make you pure after committing such a crime against another human being.

Scene iii
1) How is the Porter a humorous character? What does he say about drink? How does he metaphorical set the atmosphere of the scene?

The porter is humorous because he is drunk. He makes a lot of sexual jokes...

2) Who is at the gates? (more than 1 person)

Macduff and Lennox

3) What does Macduff mean when he says, “Confusion now hath made his masterpiece!”?

He means that it't really bad that someone had broken into the castle and they're so confused as to why this happened. 

4) How does Macbeth react to the news of the king’s murder? How does Lady Macbeth react?

Macbeth says that he is the one who killed the two guards because he was so mad at what happened.
Lady Macbeth pretends to faint because she just "can't believe it".

5) Where do Donalbain and Malcolm decide to go? Why?

Donalbain goes to Ireland and Malcolm goes to England because they are afraid that they will be killed next especially if they are found together.

Scene iv

1) What is meant by the old man when he says, “On Tuesday last, a falcon, tow’ring in her pride of place, was by a mousing owl hawked at and killed”? What is symbolically suggested here? Hint: Relate the birds to scene ii.

On the day that Duncan is killed he sees an owl kill a falcon. Symbolically saying that Macbeth is no longer a majestic eagle, he is an owl who killed the falcon.

2) What does Macduff say about Malcolm and Donalbain?

People say they ran away because they are "guilty"

3) What does Macduff say about Macbeth?

Macduff says that Macbeth is going to be crowned King, but he isn't going to go because he is suspicious of him.

4) What is meant by the line, “Lest our old robes sit easier than our new”?

That Macbeth might not be as good of a king as Duncan was

5) Why doesn’t Macduff go to the coronation?

Macduff is suspicious of Macbeth, might think something is up. 

Monday, January 26, 2015

Macbeth Scene 1 Summary

Macbeth starts out with three witches meeting in a field on a stormy night, they are saying spells and chants, speaking of Macbeth being Thane of Cawdor and eventually King. A bloody soldier tell the king of Banquo and Macbeth's bravery in battle. Banquo and Macbeth are headed back home when they are met by the witches who tell him his future, this consumes his thoughts. He writes his wife to tell her about the witches. Lady Macbeth comes up with a plan to kill the King and blame it on his watchmen in order to do this she calls on spirits to "unsex" so she can do the deed. King Duncan is at the Macbeth's castle, Macbeth has doubts about killing him because of the consequences it would have after. Lady Macbeth tells him to be a man and just do it.

Elements of Tragedy, Tragic Hero,

Elements of Tragedy

1) Must have a Tragic Hero

2) Hero must be fated to fall

3) Internal and external conflict

4) Dramatic Foils

5) Audience learns something about human existence

Elements of Tragic Hero
1) Of noble birth or stature

2) Loyal, virtuous, high morals

3) Has Tragic flaw

4) Tragic Flaw causes downfall

5) Audience learns something from character's downfall

Dramatic Foils (definition):
Two characters that contrast each other to bring out traits or personalities

Macbeth/Banquo and Macbeth/Lady Macbeth

List of Motifs from ACT 1.
Anything that reoccurs in a story or play

BIRDS- eagles, martlet, sparrows, 

"Fair is foul, foul is fair." 


Idea of things being planted or grown

Mirth and Liege sentences

The criminal couldn't control his mirth after he was only sentenced to 5 years in prison.

The King sat at his throne surrounded by a liege of family.

Friday, January 23, 2015

5-7 and Vocabulary

1. After Lady Macbeth reads the letter, what does she tell us is her opinion of Macbeth, and how does she plan to help him?

Lady Macbeth doesn't think that her husband is up for killing the King because he is too kind so she comes up with a plan to kill duncan while he stays at their house.

2. What is Lady Macbeth’s “prayer” to the spirits after she learns Duncan is missing?

She asks them to "unsex" her, take away everything that makes her a woman because she believes it could prevent her from being able kill Duncan.

3. What advice does Lady Macbeth give Macbeth when he arrives home?

She tells him to follow her lead on everything that she does because she has a plan.

4. What are Macbeth’s arguments to himself against killing Duncan ?
Macbeth doesn't want to kill the King because it isn't that simple. He will have to live with the consequences and be damned to Hell. His job is also to protect the King and it would be bad to kill him in his own House.

5. What arguments does Lady Macbeth use to convince Macbeth to commit the murder?

Lady Macbeth tells him to be a man and get over himself. He isn't a man if he can't go through with it

6. What is Lady Macbeth’s plan?

Lady Macbeth is going to have Macbeth kill Duncan. She is going to get his two guards drunk and make it look like they killed him.

1) Mirth
amusement or laughter

2) Liege
Loyal, faithful

3) Parricide
act of killing ones father or close relative

4) Verity
state of being true in accordance with facts

5) Avarice
greed for riches

6) Avaunt

7) Posterity
succeeding, or future generation

8) Homage
respect or reverence paid

9) Cloistered
secluded from the world

10) Equivocator
unclear expressions, to mislead or avoid commitment 

11) Eminence
high station or rank

12) Avouch
to admit, confess

13) Thralls

14) Malevolence
malice, hatred

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Scene 4 Questions Macbeth

1) What is Malcolm’s description of Cawdor’s execution?
Malcolm says that he confessed to what he had done and tried to repent. He died in such a way that he made it look like he threw away his most prized possession like it was garbage.

2) What is the King’s response to this description?
The king says there is no way to know of someone's intentions by looking at their face, he had trusted Cawdor but didn't see this coming.

3) Who does the King name as his successor? How does Macbeth react to this information?
The King names his son Malcolm as his successor. Macbeth isn't bothered by this he says that he would be happy just working for him, but he also wants to be the king because he is still thinking about what the witches told him.

4) “Stars hide your fires! Let not light see my black and deep desires. The eye wink at the hand; yet let that be, which the eye fears, when it is done, to see.” Who speaks this quote and what is the significance of it?
Macbeth says this to himself and he is saying that he hopes no one can see the evil desires he has, he doesn't want to see what he's going to do, but he knows that eventually he will see it even though he doesn't want to.

scene 1-4 headline

1. The three witches get together and discuss their future plans.

2. Bloody captain tells of Macbeth's bravery in executing Macdonwald in the battlefield.

3. The three witches meet again to tell Macbeth of his future that they foresee, he is in a trance but Banquo is skeptical.

4. The King announces that his son will be next in line to the throne, which gets in the way of Macbeth being King.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Macbeth scene 1-3 study questions

Scene 1:
1) The play opens with thunder and lightning as the three witches enter.  What does this tell us about the mood of the play?  What do the witches symbolize beyond just superstition?  Do you really believe that they are witches? The play is a dark mood, very ominous. The witches symbolize evil. I think that they really are witches because they know just how to put this idea of being king into Macbeth's head. They plant this thought and then they disappear setting him up for his "prophecy". 

2) What doe the witches mean when they say, “Fair is foul, and foul is fair”?  What does this tell you about what is likely to go on during the play? The witches are saying that just because it appears to be fair doesn't mean it is. There is going to be some foul play later on that will ...appear to be fair to others but won't actually be... motif happens again good vs evil

3) How can a battle be “Lost and won”?  What foreshadow might this set-up?  What is the real battle in this play? They can win the battle but lose something in the process of winning this battle. It might set up the foreshadow of Macbeth killing the king and then eventually dying? Because he wins "the battle" by becoming king but he will lose something when he becomes kings. The real battle will be Macbeth's rise to power and struggle with he did to get the power. Battle for macbeth's soul?

4) Graymalkin and Paddock are familiars (a cat and a toad).  What does this suggest about the action of the play?  What might they symbolize? The cats might symbolize the type of personality each witch has one is dark like this black

1) What does the bloody man report?
The bloody man comes to tell the king of Macbeth and Banquo's bravery in battle and how they carried on and did what was necessary to win it and nothing phased them. 

2) Why is Macdonwald a worthy rebel?
He's a worthy rebel because he was a merciless villain and nothing stopped him

3) What similes or metaphors does the captain (the bloody man) use to describe Macbeth and Banquo?  What is significant about these descriptions? 
The two men are called eagles with the idea that they are majestic. 

4)  “Except they meant to bathe in reeking wounds, or memorize another Golgotha.”  What is the allusion?  What is significant about the statement?   What does it suggest?  Please keep in mind the religious/superstitious images/symbols already presented. The allusion is to the sacrifice in the Bible where Golgotha had the choice in whether or not jesus was executed but chose to kill him because everyone else wanted it to happen, even though he thought he was innocent. It suggest that someone in this story might have the power to stop something from happening but they don't do anything about it. (Macbeth when his wife kills the king? They can't repent from their sins) 

5) Who was Scotland fighting?
The Norwegians 

Scene iii
1) Why do the witches talk in poetry?
The witches talk in poetry because it's like spell chants 

2) What do the witches predict for Macbeth?  What is the dramatic irony involved?
The witches predict him becoming the Thane of Cawdor. The dramatic irony is that we know how he will come to be the new King but he has no idea and it consumes his thoughts...

3) What do they witches predict for Banquo?  What irony is involved in this promise?
The witches predict he will not be the happiest but happier than macbeth. and he wouldn't be as great but still great. It suggests that Macbeth is going to get what is "promised" to him. He will be happy but Banquo will end up being happier because he won't be living with what macbeth is(how he got his title by killing the king). The irony is that in the end Banquo will be happier (his offspring will be kings ) 

4) What is your first impression of Macbeth in scenes ii-iii?  What is your first impression of Banquo?
Firrst impression of macbeth is that he is a noble warrior but he can be easily controlled because he believes the witches chants without a question all he wants to know is how to get there. Banquo isn't easily convinced and is smarter about making his decisions 

5) How do Macbeth and Banquo differ in their reactions to the witches predictions?  What does this tell us about their characters?
Macbeth is easily controlled and manipulated by good promises made to him. Banquo is more suspicious of things and doesn't fall for things as easy macbeth does. he isn't as gullible or easily convinced. Banquo and Macbeth are dramatic foils

6) What message does Ross bring?
Ross tells Macbeth of his new title 

7) “But ‘tis strange!  And oftentimes, to win us to our harm, the instruments of darkness tell us truths, win us with honest trifles, to betray us in deepest consequence.”  Who speaks the above quote?  What is the significance or meaning of the quote? Banquo says this to mean that winning isn't always what it seems and could lead you on to the path to destruction. 

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Poem interpretation

 Determine the basic design of the poem by considering the who, what, when, where, and why of the dramatic situation.


          What is being dramatized? What conflicts or themes does the poem present, address, or question? The title implies that there are two people in a conflict maybe the speaker loves someone but can't be with them or feels they arent good enough, but she is just so beautiful 

          Who is the speaker? Define and describe the speaker and his/her voice. What does the speaker say? Who is the audience? Are other characters involved?
        * The Speaker is a man who is in love with someone. They that they are not good enough to love this person and he is telling this person why they can't be together. 

          What happens in the poem? Consider the plot or basic design of the action. How are the dramatized conflicts or themes introduced, sustained, resolved, etc.?
        *He is telling her they cant be together anymore and she is upset, "Your eyes are spikes". He doesn't want to but he feels he doesn't deserve her

          When does the action occur? What is the date and/or time of day?
        * The action occurs in the last two stanzas.... not sure what time of day

          Where is the speaker? Describe the physical location of the dramatic moment.
        *They could be in a forest or anywhere not too sure

          Why does the speaker feel compelled to speak at this moment? What is his/her motivation? The speaker needs to let go of his feelings for her, he doesn't want to but he doesn't deserve her and needs to let her go if he really loves her