Monday, January 26, 2015

Macbeth Scene 1 Summary

Macbeth starts out with three witches meeting in a field on a stormy night, they are saying spells and chants, speaking of Macbeth being Thane of Cawdor and eventually King. A bloody soldier tell the king of Banquo and Macbeth's bravery in battle. Banquo and Macbeth are headed back home when they are met by the witches who tell him his future, this consumes his thoughts. He writes his wife to tell her about the witches. Lady Macbeth comes up with a plan to kill the King and blame it on his watchmen in order to do this she calls on spirits to "unsex" so she can do the deed. King Duncan is at the Macbeth's castle, Macbeth has doubts about killing him because of the consequences it would have after. Lady Macbeth tells him to be a man and just do it.

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