Friday, May 1, 2015

5 - 8 Odyssey Summary Stuff

Athena convinces Zeus to help Odysseus get home. He sends Hermes with a message to Kalypso saying that she will let him go and help him build a raft with food until he washes up on the island of Scheria where the Phaiacians will transport him home. Kalypso is upset by the news because no one says anything about the male gods when they do stuff like this, but the second a women does they get all up in a tizzy. Poseidon finds out and sends a storm Odysseus's way which almost drowns him and sinks his raft. So he floats for two days before washing up on land. Athena convinces Princess Nausikaa to go to the streams to wash her linens so she can maybe find a husband. Odysseus is there and they talk and he gets some clothes. He needs her help so she tells him how to get to the palace and to convince the mother to the like him. The people there are sea people (hint hint, foreshadow to the fact that Poseidon is their god, and they helped his enemy, big no no!). Odysseus is disguised in a cloud mist by Athena so he doesn't draw attention to himself. Athena comes to him in the form of a little girl who he asks to help him find the palace and she leads him there. His mist protection eventually disappeared and then he makes his plea to Queen Arete. It works because the king rushes to his hospitality and the next day there will be a feast in his honor. The king Alcinoos offers up his daughter's hand to Odysseus, but he declines because he just wants to go home. Athena disguised as the town crier tells everyone about the stranger and the feast that will take place. The king has a ship prepared to take him home later in the day. Odysseus listens to stories about himself and sees many sports done by people in the kingdom. Theres singing songs that make him cry because they are about his life. After his bath he says he has a story to tell.

Theme: Loyalty, hospitality,

Foreshadow: poseidon is the god of these sea people who help his enemy

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