Monday, May 11, 2015

13 - 16 the Odyssey

Odysseus tells his story and Alcinoos say that the Phaicians will give him gifts of wealth for his trip home to Ithaka. Odysseus is really anxious to get home and sleeps on the way home. While he is sleeping the men unload him in Ithaka with his treasures and leave him there. Poseidon is totally miffed about Odysseus not suffering enough. He turns the ship into to stone that brought Odysseus home and puts mountains all around the Phaicicians city to punish them for helping his enemy. Athena hide Odysseus in a cloud mist and disguises him as a beggar. Because of the cloud mist he doesn't recognize his homeland and thinks the sea people tricked him. Athena tells him it is Ithaka and that she disguised him as a beggar so no one knows he's back. Now he goes off to bring Telemachos home.
Odysseus goes to the Swineherd's home in the forest, where he is taken in and given what little the man has. He tells Odysseus stories about Odysseus and the suitors at his house trying to woo his wife, not aware that Odysseus is alive. Odysseus tells the man that Odysseus will return. Odysseus lies and says he's a common man from Crete. Odysseus wants a cloak so he tells a story that implies that and the man gives him one.
Athena goes to Telemachos, convincing him to leave because Eurymachos is gonna marry his mother, which is not true. She says he should go the Swineherd because it the men will kill him the moment he is back. So then in the morning Telemachos is ready to leave with his men. Helen gives Telemachos a gown for his future bride. Zeus sends an Eagle flying over head with a dead goose in its talons. Helen says it must be a sign that Odysseus returned home and is going to get rid of the suitors. Odysseus is staying with Eumaios until Telemachos returns. he learns his father is alive, but wants to be dead because he grieves his son so much. Odysseus is disguised as Theoklymenos on his son's ship and asks about a place to stay. Telemachos said he would offer his house but it's over taken by the suitors.
At the Swineherd's place Euimos and the beggar are talking. Telemachos shows up and is worried about not being able to take the suitors. So the beggar tells him to ask for friends' help in taking the suitors down. Eumaios is sent to secretly tell Penelope that he is back. Athena and Odysseus talk and she tells him to reveal himself, so she removes his disguise. Telemachos is all "wowed" and his father yells at him for not having a manly reaction. Then they come up with a plan to take down the suitors: Athena disguises him as a beggar, Odysseus distracts everyone while his son locks up the suitors' weapons, question the maids to figure out who is loyal. They send a messenger to tell Penelope her son is back. The suitors return all sad because they didn't get Telemachos. The town crier tells penelope about their plans and she's all mad and accuses them of trying to kill her son. They all deny it. A messenger tells the men he saw a strange ship coming back but the men just sleep.

Themes: coming of age (finding his father and being reunited, growing into a man),
hospitality continues

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