Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Pg 45 1-9

1. George has handicaps because he is better than the ways of society and Hazel is just average.

2. The government is looking for Harrison because he has escaped from jail after being accused of wanted to overthrow the government.

3. The handicapper General shoots Harrison and his empress.

4. Harrison's parent's don't really realize their son has died. On some level they feel sad because he is gone and dead, but the government makes it so they can't think for themselves so they don't care as much because they've forgotten.

5. In HArrison Bergeron we have a society where everyone is equal. No one is better than anyone. Harrison is above average and is taken  to prison on suspicions of wanting to overthrow the government. He escapes from prison to do so. The Handicapper General comes and shoots him to solve the problem. The resolution let's everything continue as normal, George gets a beer, Hazel cries but can't remember why.

6. The climax in Harrison Bergeron is when he is shot by the Handicapper General.

7. The society in this story is equal. Everyone is exactly the same, but no one can think for themselves. They can't ever remember long enough to feel. Normal is listening to loud noises in your ear every 20 seconds so you can't think. They're used to not being different and having no creativity or diversity.

8. Vonnegut is saying that not everyone can be equal. When everyone is equal they lose some freedom. They can't think for themselves. No one can be different. There is no art or beauty. It's dull and lifeless. You have nothing to strive for or achieve. In the story all the Ballerinas dance exactly the same: slow, clumsy... The music is just average. Cheap.

9. Society may have been better because he would allow for people to be in different classes. He'd let them take their handicaps off and express themselves. He'd want a world with different, beautiful music and dancers doing beautiful routines. There would be pretty people and ugly people. The problem of having one leader wouldn't be solved and it would be under an Emperor, but the people would have more freedoms with no equality than with equality.

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